Daily tip

How can I generate a random password in Linux?

There are several tools online and not of course, here i would suggest the utility pwmake. Usage is pwmake entropy_bits and it is recommended to use a value of at least 64. For more info man pwmake.

So you can use the command in this way:          

pwmake 64                                                                  

Daily tip

How can I query the audit daemon logs?

With the command ausearch

For instance #ausearch -m avc -ts recent

Daily tip

How do I revoke a certificate in Openssl?

#openssl -ca revoke openssl ca -revoke /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem

Of course replace path and filename to reflect your configuration.

Daily tips

How to prevent changing SELinux policy?

#setsebool secure_mode_policyload on

After that the SELinux policy (enforced or permissive) can be changed only after rebooting