Daily tip

How do I mount a NFS FS which doesn’t support locking?

#mount -o nolock server:/mount/point

Daily tip

How can I verify a package (check for modified configuration files or binaries) in a Debian like distribution (Debian, Ubunut, Mint, etc.)?

#dpkg -V <package_name>

Daily tip

Is there any script or utility or way to check if you are running in a virtual machine or in a physical server?

You can install the package virt-what, that is basically a script displaying the type of VM inferred from the system or if you are in a physical machine.

Daily tip

How do I disable the Network Manager in Redhat distros?

It can be disabled on single interfaces by adding the below line to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/<IFCFG_FILE>


And you need to restart network services.

Daily tip

How can I query the audit daemon logs?

With the command ausearch

For instance #ausearch -m avc -ts recent

Daily tip

How to display cgroups virtual file system hierarchies?

With the command $lssubsys -M

(you need the package libcgroup and libcgroup-tools installed)

Daily tip

How to disable the route (also known as “APIPA address”) in Redhat distros ?

Just insert NOZEROCONF=yes or NOZEROCONF=no in the file /etc/sysconfig/network and then restart the network services.

Daily tip

I get the error “autoreconf not found” when trying to build a package from sources

Please check that you have installed the package autoconf.